DirectX Happy Uninstall Crack is a powerful management and maintenance tool that can diagnose your Direct X issues, create backups of your Direct X, restore previous backups, and finally activate a powerful Disc-Rollback Feature that can resolve most if not all the app issues that you encounter. management and maintenance tool that can diagnose your Direct
DocFetcher Crack is an Open Source desktop search application that enables you to quickly locate content in your documents based on a keyword search. Unlike many other desktop search tools, the program is not designed to index your entire hard drive, but only the folder locations that you actually want to be included in the
Mobile Atlas Creator Crack is an open-source (GPL) program that creates offline atlases for GPS handhelds and cell phone applications like TrekBuddy, AndNav, and other Android and WindowsCE-based applications. For the full list of supported applications please see the features section. Additionally, individual maps can be exported as one large PNG image with a calibration